HOME AT FIRST HOME AT FIRST’S WELCOME HOME POST-TRIP QUESTIONNAIRE WELCOME HOME! Home At First Post-Trip QuestionnaireWelcome Home! We hope you loved your trip and returned home with positive memories that will last your lifetime. Please help us improve our services by taking a few moments to complete and submit this form. Be sure to add any comments and suggestions. We value your opinions, and will take all constructive suggestions seriously. Now that you are experienced Home At First travelers who may have future travel dreams, you will automatically receive our Travel Bargain Alerts email notices. Travel Bargain Alerts come out approximately monthly and feature travel bargains offering from 15% to 35% savings on travel to Home At First destinations. (If you DO NOT want to receive Travel Bargain Alerts email notices, check the box on the last line of this questionnaire.)Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *This Trip's Destination(s) & Travel Dates *How would you rate your Home At First designed trip? *Sorry I Went 🙁Disappointing 😐Met Expectations 🙂Memorable 😉One of the Best Ever 😀Please tell us what you liked &/or disliked about your Home At First trip.How many times have you traveled with Home At First? *Select...This is my first Home At First trip.Twice, including this trip.3 Times, including this trip.4 Times, including this trip.5 or more times, including this trip.Where have you traveled previously with Home At First?How likely are you to recommend Home At First to people you know? *UnikelySomewhat UnlikelySomewhat LikelyLikelyWould you use our travel services in the future? *YesNoAdditional CommentsTravel Bargain Alerts emails:NO TRAVEL BARGAIN ALERTS, please.CommentSubmit